Meet Sheri the Artist

Avg Mo Income: $1-$100        Started:1-3 months ago        Nature: Ongoing

Please tell us your story:
Well, I will take the plunge and be the first to tell about my side hustle. It was a bit unexpected. I like to draw with pencil and after receiving a set of sketch pencils for Christmas, I decided to draw a dear friend’s dog that had passed away. I felt that this would mean alot to her so I re-created a picture of “Bruno” in pencil. Needless to say, there were many tears and hugs, but then she shared my picture on Facebook and it spread from there. I began getting requests from friends in town and also states away!

Please describe your side hustle:
I currently charge $35 for an 8×10 and $25 for a 5×7. Just takes some pencils, sketch paper, and an hour or two sitting on the couch with my family and I can make money from home doing what I didn’t even know I could still do! When I re-created a picture in pencil of a friend’s barn she decided to surprise me with a check of $50! Last week I mailed an 8×10 of a cow in a barn to a lady who paid $50 plus shipping! Since January I have drawn 4 dogs, 2 cows, 2 barns, 1 cat, 1 horse (my personal favorite so far) 1 grand-baby, and 1 grandpa. More orders are still coming in! One barn has been shipped to Texas and another order will be to someone in Alabama. Thanks for letting me share this side hustle I wasn’t even planning on.

Please tell us why you chose this particular side hustle:
Drawing these pictures for other people has blessed them and meant so much! It allows me to inspire my children to find what they are good at and use it to benefit others. I also didn’t even know I could do drawing like this anymore, and I am pleased that the Lord is allowing me to continue in this hobby as it blesses me and my family.





We hope Sheri’s story is an encouragement to you
your side hustle journey!  

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